Wednesday, April 27, 2011

2 Months Old!

You were two months old on Monday!  I don't know where the time has gone.  You have grown so much.  You are now smiling at us and making cooing noises.  We took you to the doctor today for your two month check-up.  You weighed 11 pounds, 1 ounce and are 22.75 inches long.  You took your first round of shots like a big boy.  You have been having some blood in your stool, and we found out that you have a milk protein allergy.  In order to keep nursing, I have to eliminate all dairy from my diet.  I think not eating cheese is going to be the hardest part, so you better thank me for it when you get older!  We also found out that you have some reflux issues.  But, the doctor gave you some medicine and thinks you will outgrow both of these things. 

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