Thursday, April 21, 2011

Grandpa and Nana's visit, TV time with Dad

Caleb is so blessed to have four grandparents and six great-grandparents.  Grandpa and Nana try to come up every two weeks or so to visit.  Today, they brought Caleb his easter present.  What a cute bunny!

 Grandpa gets worried when Rickey comes around.  He's afraid Rickey will step on you.  Grandpa brags about you to all of his friends.  Every time he comes up, he takes a new picture of you on his cell phone. He's very proud of you!

 The Easter bunny is as big as you!

When Dad came home that night, you guys decided to watch your first Cubs game.  Unfortunately, they are having a bad season and they lost. 

 Go Cubbies Go!

Dad making you do the Fishy Face!  You thought this was funny the first 2-3 times.  After 10 you were over it!

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