Sunday, April 24, 2011

Your First Easter

This weekend, we celebrated your first Easter and Grandpa Jim's 60th birthday!  We went to Pendleton Saturday night to celebrate with Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Chris, Maggie, and Bridget.  It was your first time staying all night at Grandma and Grandpa Shoups.  Then Sunday morning we went to Grandma Susie's to celebrate Easter with my side of the family.  By the time we got home on Sunday evening, we were all exhausted.  You were a trooper through all the driving though.  I'm having a little trouble with red eyes on the camera sorry!

 Happy Easter!

 Super Cute Shoups!

Maggie made you a sign, it says "Hi Baby Caleb."  We keep it on your changing table so you can see it every day.   

 Our Easter picture.  This was the best one we got, I don't think its very good.  Your outfit lasted 10 minutes because you spit up in the car.  Good thing we had a back up!

In your p.j.'s and finally celebrating Easter at our house with your Easter basket.  You got an Easter bib, a sleeper, a musical panda and a musical rolling snail. 

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