Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mini Marathon

Matt ran the mini-marathon this morning with Chris, Jason, and Lori.   For the past two years, Jim and Sally have had a party that afternoon to celebrate this wonderful accomplishment. Running 13.1 miles, no thank you!  Maybe Caleb will take after Matt and enjoy running.  Here are some pics from the day. 

 Miss Emmiline and her big hair bow.

 Maggie all smiles from running around with the p-town kids.

The P-town kiddos......minus 1.You can barely see Caleb's head peeking out from the blanket.

 And then there were 13.
1 Carter, 1 Custer, 1 Cochran, 3 Shoups, 4 Warfels, 1 Stauffer, and 2 Trouts! 

Worn out from being passed around all day and partying!

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