Monday, May 9, 2011

My first Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to everyone!  Matt made my first Mother's Day very special.  My card from Caleb said " I love you Mommy, you snuggle so good!"  Caleb and Matt bought me a pair of diamond earrings!  I have been wanting a pair for a long time.  Uncle Craig is staying with us for the month of May while he does an internship at St. Vincent, so Mom and Dad came up to cook out with us. 

Sitting with Mamaw and Uncle Craig

 Mamaw, don't pinch me!

Caleb Andrew, you are a mother's dream.  I am so proud to be your mother.  You have made me realize just how precious life is.  I have been blessed to be home with you for the first 12 weeks of your life.  There are days that I just sit and stare at you in amazement.  You are the best thing that ever happened to me and your dad.  We love you to pieces! 

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