Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Caleb was still not acting his usual self this week, so Matt took him back to the doctor on Friday.  He still had an ear infection, so Dr. Smith gave him a new medicine.  He woke up extremely hot and fussy in the middle of the night and when I took off his pajamas, here's what we found......

His belly, arms, and legs were covered in hives!  Of course, I immediately panicked...Matt tried to be the voice of calmness, but it didn't work.  After a call to mom and Dr. Smith, she called in a new prescription for him.  He woke up with the same hives Sunday and Monday mornings.  Thank goodness I was off yesterday because we had to make another trip to the doctor and had to get another new medicine.

Snoozing with Daddy in the chair....Poor sick guy!  

 At the doctor's office for the third time in 13 days.....

YAY, the new medicine is working!  

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