Sunday, February 5, 2012

Margo's First Birthday

We had a busy weekend this weekend.  Friday, we went out to eat with Kiel and Steph, Adam, Nanci, and Emmiline to celebrate Kiel's birthday.  The wait was long and the restaurant was crowded, so Caleb was not on his best behavior.  At one point, he let out one of his notorious shrieks and a lady loudly said, "I thought that was a fire alarm."  I'm afraid our days of going out to eat are numbered.  Saturday, we went to Margo's First Birthday Party.  I can't believe our babies are turning one already!

All dressed up for the party!   

What a face!  

 Caleb and the Birthday Girl....I gave up on trying to catch them both looking at the camera.

 Lauren, Margo, Caleb and I....I don't think Margo wanted her picture taken.

The Birthday Girl!

Caleb and Emmiline....Two Cutie Pies!  

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