Sunday, January 8, 2012

Grandpa's Auction Barn

Growing up, I spent many weekend's at Grandpa Paul's "Auction Barn."  I have many memories of that place, from meeting new people, to freezing my butt off because there was no heat in the backroom, and a love for Fiesta dishes.   It's a family affair....Grandpa and Uncle Paul are the auctioneers, Grandma Susie and Dad clerk, and mom takes the money.  The grandkids (me included) would do whatever job was age appropriate at the time. I started by running sheets, then worked my way up to the backroom (where the people pick up their purchases.  Here's a picture of me helping that was printed in the Greensburg Newspaper.  I sure thought I was cool back then!  

Today, we took Caleb on his first trip to the Auction Barn.  Mom decided he should help her cashier.....I sure hope she doubled checked her work after we left!  

Then, we stopped by to see Grandpa Bill and Nana.  

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