Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Where did the summer go?!?!?

I have been very blessed and fortunate to spend the past five and a half months home with Caleb.  He has grown so much during this time!  School starts next week, so it is time for me to get back to reality.  While I am sad, I know he is in good hands with Miss Sonya and Miss Karen.  We didn't do much last week, so I don't have any pictures.  We did spend some time at school this week trying to get my classroom ready.  On Saturday, I went to Cincinnati with the FC girls and Caleb stayed home with Daddy overnight.  It was my first overnight away from the little man, but I had fun and so did the guys :) 

Reading Dr. Seuss= Baby Genius? 

Mrs. Buck created a bulletin board showing people reading.  She asked if Caleb would be part of her bulletin board.  I am soooo glad she took this picture, it turned out adorable!  Thanks Kathy! 

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