Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Overnight at Mamaw and Papaw's

Well, I usually try to blog on Mondays, but this week has been super busy.  Last weekend, Matt and I went to the Colts game and dinner with Jim and Sally (Happy Belated Anniversary!), so Mr. Caleb spent the night at Mamaw and Papaws.  I think they would have kept him for the whole weekend if we would have let them!  On their way back to New Point, they stopped by the firestation to see Great Uncle Steve.  When I was a kid, I loved going to the firestation to see Uncle Steve.  As you can tell from the pictures below, I know Caleb loved it just like I did!

We walked in Saturday to find Caleb helping Mamaw do her laundry.  What a good helper!

Trying to squeeze into Uncle Steve's boot.

Fireman in the making?

I love fire trucks!

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