Wednesday, April 27, 2011

2 Months Old!

You were two months old on Monday!  I don't know where the time has gone.  You have grown so much.  You are now smiling at us and making cooing noises.  We took you to the doctor today for your two month check-up.  You weighed 11 pounds, 1 ounce and are 22.75 inches long.  You took your first round of shots like a big boy.  You have been having some blood in your stool, and we found out that you have a milk protein allergy.  In order to keep nursing, I have to eliminate all dairy from my diet.  I think not eating cheese is going to be the hardest part, so you better thank me for it when you get older!  We also found out that you have some reflux issues.  But, the doctor gave you some medicine and thinks you will outgrow both of these things. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Your First Easter

This weekend, we celebrated your first Easter and Grandpa Jim's 60th birthday!  We went to Pendleton Saturday night to celebrate with Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Chris, Maggie, and Bridget.  It was your first time staying all night at Grandma and Grandpa Shoups.  Then Sunday morning we went to Grandma Susie's to celebrate Easter with my side of the family.  By the time we got home on Sunday evening, we were all exhausted.  You were a trooper through all the driving though.  I'm having a little trouble with red eyes on the camera sorry!

 Happy Easter!

 Super Cute Shoups!

Maggie made you a sign, it says "Hi Baby Caleb."  We keep it on your changing table so you can see it every day.   

 Our Easter picture.  This was the best one we got, I don't think its very good.  Your outfit lasted 10 minutes because you spit up in the car.  Good thing we had a back up!

In your p.j.'s and finally celebrating Easter at our house with your Easter basket.  You got an Easter bib, a sleeper, a musical panda and a musical rolling snail. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Easter Bunny!

Jenny and I took you and Margo to see the Easter Bunny today.  You both slept through the whole thing, but woke up when it was time to eat lunch.  Regardless, the pics are adorable!

Grandpa and Nana's visit, TV time with Dad

Caleb is so blessed to have four grandparents and six great-grandparents.  Grandpa and Nana try to come up every two weeks or so to visit.  Today, they brought Caleb his easter present.  What a cute bunny!

 Grandpa gets worried when Rickey comes around.  He's afraid Rickey will step on you.  Grandpa brags about you to all of his friends.  Every time he comes up, he takes a new picture of you on his cell phone. He's very proud of you!

 The Easter bunny is as big as you!

When Dad came home that night, you guys decided to watch your first Cubs game.  Unfortunately, they are having a bad season and they lost. 

 Go Cubbies Go!

Dad making you do the Fishy Face!  You thought this was funny the first 2-3 times.  After 10 you were over it!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

First trip to New Point

 Today we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the first time.  They were so excited for your first visit.  Grandma got out all the stuff that she bought you. You didn't want to play with any of it, you just wanted to be held :)

Finally I got a pic of you and Grandma (or Mamaw, she says you can decide what to call her).  Seems like every time we take pictures I forget to get one of the two of you. 

 Grandpa decided he would try to feed you.  He did a good job!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Out to lunch

Today we went out to lunch with Great Aunt Carri and Uncle Curt.  They were so excited to meet you.  When you get bigger, they will take you boating and to fun places.  We had a yummy lunch at the Cheesecake Factory while you slept.

 Uncle Curt, that magazine is scary!