Thursday, March 10, 2011

Our first full week home

This week was full of feedings, changing diapers, short naps, and visitors.  I'll admit that I felt a little overwhelmed at times with my "mommy" duties.  We were so glad to see Matt when he got home from work each day.  Caleb weighed 8lbs., 4oz. and was 20.25 inches long at his two week checkup.

 Hanging out with Rickey

 Snuggling with Mommy

Already holding his own paci! 

 Below are pictures of Caleb and Margo.  Margo is the daughter of Jenny and Jason.  Jenny and I lived together for two years before Matt and I got married.  Her and Jason started dating around the same time Matt and I did.  Margo is 3 weeks older than Caleb.  We were so excited when they came over for the first of many playdates.

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