Sunday, March 6, 2011

First few days home

Now that Caleb is here and we are home, my goal is to update this blog at least once a week.  Our first few days home have been wonderful.  Since Caleb was in the NICU, Matt and I were the only ones who were allowed to hold him.  As you can imagine, the grandparents were getting pretty antsy to get their hands on him.  We have had lots of visitors over the past four days.  Matt has been home with us but starting tomorrow Caleb and I are on our own.   Hoping it goes well!

 Caleb and Grandpa Jeff (for some reason we didn't get one of him and Grandma Stacy).

 Caleb and Great Grandma Susie and Great Grandpa Paul

 Caleb and Nana

 Caleb and Great Grandpa Bill

 Looking a little grumpy.  I think he is Mr. Serious

 Caleb and Grandma Sally and Grandpa Jim
Chubby Cheeks!

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