Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Matt and I were a little worried about how Rickey would respond to Baby Caleb.  A few months before Caleb was born, we started carrying around a baby doll so Rickey could get used to a baby.  Rickey loves his baby Caleb.  Where ever Caleb is, Rickey wants to be there too.  If you hold Caleb, Rickey wants you to hold him too. 

Meeting Cousin Jenny.  Rickey is making sure she isn't hurting Caleb. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sleepy Baby

I can't believe how fast this first month has flown by.  You bring Daddy and I so much joy.  We love every little thing about you.  I think I kiss you 100 times a day.  You have changed so much already.  At your 1 month checkup, you weighed 9lb., 3oz., and were 21.25 inches long.  Time to put your newborn clothes away! 

Happy 1 Month Birthday Caleb Andrew!

 Little Snuggle Bug with Daddy

 Good Morning!

How is this position comfortable?

 Grandpa and Caleb taking a snooze

 Meeting Uncle Craig for the first time

Pretty blue eyes and blond hair...Where does he get that from?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Exploring your toys

This week, we had more visitors: grandparents, Katie and Ava, Kristina, and Lauren.  Unfortunately, I am not used to having the camera ready and waiting, so there are no pictures of these visits.  Caleb likes to lay on his playmat, but will only sit in his bouncy seat for a short time.  As you can tell, he is already changing. 

 Just stretching out!

 Tummy time....Notice the little scratch on his face, guess mommy better brave up and cut his nails.  

 Bath time!  I'm sure he won't like this picture when he gets older.

Hello!  Notice the outfit, it says, "My Peanut"

Sunday, March 13, 2011

First trip to Pendleton

Yesterday, we went to Pendleton so Caleb could meet Great Grandma Shirley, Great Grandpa Don, Uncle Chris, and Cousins Maggie & Bridget.  He loved everyone, especially Maggie and Bridget.  When he got fussy, they sang him a song. 

 Caleb and Cousin Bridget

 Chillin with Uncle Chris

 Not too happy with Grandpa Don

 I love this picture!

Caleb and Great Grandma Shirley

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Our first full week home

This week was full of feedings, changing diapers, short naps, and visitors.  I'll admit that I felt a little overwhelmed at times with my "mommy" duties.  We were so glad to see Matt when he got home from work each day.  Caleb weighed 8lbs., 4oz. and was 20.25 inches long at his two week checkup.

 Hanging out with Rickey

 Snuggling with Mommy

Already holding his own paci! 

 Below are pictures of Caleb and Margo.  Margo is the daughter of Jenny and Jason.  Jenny and I lived together for two years before Matt and I got married.  Her and Jason started dating around the same time Matt and I did.  Margo is 3 weeks older than Caleb.  We were so excited when they came over for the first of many playdates.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

First few days home

Now that Caleb is here and we are home, my goal is to update this blog at least once a week.  Our first few days home have been wonderful.  Since Caleb was in the NICU, Matt and I were the only ones who were allowed to hold him.  As you can imagine, the grandparents were getting pretty antsy to get their hands on him.  We have had lots of visitors over the past four days.  Matt has been home with us but starting tomorrow Caleb and I are on our own.   Hoping it goes well!

 Caleb and Grandpa Jeff (for some reason we didn't get one of him and Grandma Stacy).

 Caleb and Great Grandma Susie and Great Grandpa Paul

 Caleb and Nana

 Caleb and Great Grandpa Bill

 Looking a little grumpy.  I think he is Mr. Serious

 Caleb and Grandma Sally and Grandpa Jim
Chubby Cheeks!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

He's here!!!

Caleb Andrew Shoup was born on Friday, February 25, 2011 at 1:02 a.m.!  He weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and was 19.25 inches long. 

When I woke up on the 24th, I told Matt I didn't feel well.  I waddled around work all day and a teacher told me I had the look women get right before they go into labor.  Well, I didn't think anything about it.  When I got home that evening, I felt awful.  By the time Matt got home, I was having contractions.  We headed to the hospital and they decided the baby was ready to come out.  Dr. Boyer delivered Caleb via c-section and he had some complications.  He aspirated some meconium and had to be taken to the NICU almost immediately.  Matt and I were so excited to see him, but extremely worried at the same time.  Caleb spent 5 days in the NICU.  Matt and I were able to stay at the hospital the whole time, which was absolutely wonderful.  We all came home yesterday, March 2 and boy were we all glad to be home.  Here are a few of the many pics from the past 5 days.

 Daddy and his little guy

 Our family

 He looks just like Grandpa Jeff in this picture.  Matt and I happened to walk into the NICU while the nurses were taking it....priceless. 
Look no more wires on my face!

Caleb's hospital picture....Absolutely adorable

All better and ready to go home!

 Rickey welcoming his new little brother home.