Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fun with the girls

The girls (aka Maggie and Bridget) have the whole week of Thanksgiving off, so Grandma Sally and Grandpa Jim brought them to P-town.  We ventured to P-Town to spend some time with them.  Every time I see them, I think they are more and more grown up.  Shortly after Matt and I started dating, Bridget was born.  She will be 5 in March!  The girls are so much fun and love Caleb.  I am anxious to see if that "love" is still around this time next year when he is chasing them and getting into their toys.  Here are some pics from their visit. 

Feeding Caleb his puffs....Don't let him bite your finger!

 Yummy puffs! 

 Pretty Bridget! 

 Maggie.....Toothless Wonder! 

Grandma and Grandpa's babies! 

Worn out from playing with the girls. 

This week, Caleb had his nine month check-up.  He weighed 19 lbs., 9 oz.  We decided to introduce the sippy cup.  I think he would rather drop it on the floor than drink from it! 

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