Thursday, November 3, 2011

Eight Months Old and Caleb's First Halloween

As I mentioned in my last post, we have been looking for a new vehicle.  We are now the proud owners of a mini-van!  Exciting I know....I keep telling everyone that it has dual DVD players and a touch screen radio, makes it sound a little cool right???  While it may not be cool, it is super practical for us and I love it already.

Caleb turned 8 months old last week.  I don't know where the time has gone.  His little personality is coming out more and more each day.  All four of his front teeth have now broken through.  If we put him on all fours, he will rock, and can push himself backwards when he gets mad. We have been fortunate to spend lots of time with the our parents and grandparents lately.  Grandpa Don and Grandma Shirley made the trek to Indy to see Caleb and Baby Ellie last weekend.  It was so good to see them. 

 Come on Grandma Shirley, I'm hungry! 

What a cute little grin.....Future Heartbreaker I think!

Big Boy! 

I think he stayed up for less than 30 seconds. 


 Oh, what is this?

 I think I'll eat it!

Sign saved and a good pic!

 Four generations of Shoup men

We celebrated his first Halloween at Jenny and Jason's annual party and trick or treating our neighbors.  I was trying to think of the perfect costume a while back and Nana stumbled upon the perfect lion costume.  He didn't seem to mind it at the party. 

 Caleb and his girlfriend Margo....She was baby smurf...I think we wore them out at the party. 

 Thank goodness we took those costumes off.  Want a ring?

Back from Trick or Treating....Matt tried to get a picture of him with his costume and pumpkin, but they were all fuzzy.  

Bye for now!

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