Besides Caleb, we are very blessed with a wonderful support system of family and friends. Our Thanksgiving Break was spent with many of these important people. We spent Thanksgiving with my family, Friday with my mom and grandma, Friday evening with my college friends, Saturday evening with Matt's family and friends, and Sunday with our families as we celebrated Caleb's baptism. I can't think of a better way to spend 4 days.
Here are some pics from Caleb's Baptism at St. John's (the same church where Matt and I got married). Pastor Manning was wonderufl! It was a very special day for us and our families. Caleb was great during the whole thing. He loves bathtime, so the water didn't bother him at all. Now that the baptism party is over, I guess I better start planning his first birthday!
Caleb looking handsome in his white suit!
Caleb and his godfathers: Uncle Chris and Uncle Craig