Monday, July 18, 2011

Vacation Part 1

Matt, Caleb, and I are spending a week at the lakehouse this summer for vacation. Grandma and Grandpa Shouse and Uncle Craig joined us for the first weekend.  The adults spent time riding the waver runners while Baby Caleb spent time in his pool.  Caleb loves sitting on the end of the pier watching the water and boats go by.  I will try to get a picture of him at the end of the pier sometime this week. 

 Mom, I don't think I can move.

 Rickey's first boat ride.  He loved it too!

 Snoozing after a long day on the water.  Caleb has taken more naps this weekend than he did all of last week.  I think the lake wears him out!

 Speedboat ride!

 Playing underneath the shade tree.

 Daddy and Uncle Craig playing sacks.  Mommy and Daddy beat Uncle Craig and Grandma!

Hanging out with Grandpa and Uncle Craig.

Playing with Mamaw in the pool.  It was so hot we decided to forgo the bathing suit!

Worn out!

 What a fun weekend!

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