Friday, July 22, 2011

One Hot Week!

As you know from my last post, Matt, Caleb, and I spent the last eight days at the lake house.  Matt's family has owned a cottage at Lake Wawasee since the 1940's.  During the summer, we try to get up there as much as possible.  In my last post, my family had been up to visit.  Matt, Caleb, and I spent the rest of the week by ourselves, then Grandpa Jim and Grandma Sally joined us on Friday.  The weather was very hot, 90+ each day, so we were inside most of the time.  

 Mamaw and Papaw brought Caleb a stuffed Clifford. 

 Great Grandma Shirley and Great Grandpa Don came by Wednesday evening to have dinner.  

 Caleb and his new Cubbie bear from Grandma and Grandpa Shoup. 

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