Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Baby's First Christmas

What a busy Christmas weekend!  Since I had to work until Thursday, Matt and I decided to make one final trek to the mall on Friday the 23rd to buy something for each other.  What a big mistake.....it took us 35 minutes just to get out of the mall parking lot.  Next year, I have promised myself that I will have ALL of my shopping done by the 20th..... Everyone remind me of that next December!

We headed to mom and dad's Christmas Eve morning for a brunch and presents.  Then, on to Grandpa Bill and Nana's for our traditional Christmas Eve chili.

Mamaw, I just know this one is for me.

 Great Grandpa Bill- Mamaw's Dad

 Uncle Craig- Home from Podiatry School for two weeks.  He's gonna be the one to spoil you rotten.  

 This present is as big as me....What could it be?

 A giant stuffed Hippo!

 Trying a strawberry= Not a fan.  

 Papaw's boy through and through.  If you see Papaw walk into a room, you immediately want to go to him.  

 Papaw and Great Uncle Steve- Mamaw's brother.

 Oh Uncle Steve, you are a good storyteller!

 Awe Mamaw!

 My new rocking chair from Grandpa and Nana!

 Just being silly with Daddy.

Christmas Day we went to Grandma Susie and Grandpa Paul's for presents and lunch.  It takes forever to open presents because we open them one at a time.  We usually have to take a short potty/snack break.      After grandma's we headed to Pendleton for dinner with Grandma Sally and Grandpa Jim.  You were a trooper with all the running around we did, but since you didn't get your normal naps you were a little of a fussy butt at times.  

 What is it, What is it???

 PUFFS!  I love puffs!

 Boy, I must have been a good boy this year!

 A Sesame Street piano!

 Aunt Linda gave you your first Ritz cracker and you loved it.

 Yes, Christmas threw up in our living room.

Caleb and all of his presents.  
Doesn't look like he is spoiled one bit does it?  Our first Christmas with Caleb was very memorable and full of joy and laughter.  I love the holidays and spending so much time with our families.  We truly are blessed beyond measure.  

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