Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Week of Firsts

This week Caleb had two big "firsts"!  On Monday, he went to the babysitter for the first time.  I don't know who it was harder on him or mommy!?!?  As soon as we got there, he stuck out his bottom lip at me and started to cry.  We know he is in good hands with Sonya and Karen, but it was hard for me to leave him.  Even though I'm home for the summer, we thought it would be good to take him once a week so he can get  familiar with them and I can have time to work on my masters class. 

Ready for the sitter's!  When I picked him up, he was red faced because he spent most of the day crying.  Sonya reassured me it would just take him a while to get used to their routine. 

On Saturday, we took Caleb to mom and dad's for his first swim!  He loves bathtime, so we thought he would love the water too! 

Caked in sunscreen and ready to go!

 Daddy- what is this wet stuff?  I'm not so sure about it!

Okay Mamaw, I kinda like this swimming thing. 

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