Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Big Bash

We had your 1st birthday party on your birthday, but I am just now getting the pictures uploaded.  I decided to do a Sesame Street theme for your first birthday party.  Mamaw has spent a lot of time in the hospital lately, so daddy and I did everything on our own (I'm pretty proud of how your party went!).  Lots of people came to celebrate, including: Mommy, Daddy, Mamaw, Papaw, Grandma Sally, Grandpa Jim, Grandma Susie, Grandpa Paul, Grandpa Bill, Nana, Uncle Chris, Maggie, Bridget, Uncle Craig, Uncle Curt, Aunt Carri, Uncle Steve, Uncle Paul, Sarah, Kelsi, Aunt Carol, Jason, Jenny, Margo, Lauren, and Adam.  Wow, that's a lot of people who think you are really special!!!!

 One of my old friends from high school made your cake...It was a hit!