Friday, February 18, 2011

Doctor's Appointment

Dr. Boyer told us at the end of December that Baby Shoup is in the breech positioned.  We hoped and prayed he would turn, but found out today he isn't cooperating.  She scheduled a c-section in two weeks, on Friday March 4th. I'm a little disappointed, but maybe this will be easier on me!  Here's one last pic of the little man before he makes his big arrival.  Look at those cheeks!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Belly Pics

It dawned on me today that I have not posted any of my pregnancy pictures.  I didn't take very many, after all, who wants to be photographed when they feel like a whale! :)

 17 weeks- small baby bump :)
 23 weeks
 27 weeks- If you can't tell, I loved to wear my black t-shirt with a scarf while I was pregnant. 
34 weeks- Only 6 more to go!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Last one= Baby Shower #3

Katie and my third grade team threw us a wonderful school shower!  Baby Shoup got lots and lots of goodies.  I think we have everything we need....Then again, do you ever really have everything?!?!? 
 I think all I do these days is eat, eat, eat!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Room is Done!

It feels like we have been working on the baby's room forever!  Mom and Grandma painted it over Christmas Break, and I think we finally have it ready to go.  Notice the missing spot above his bed...that's where his name will go!  Matt and I have been calling him "Peanut" for the time being.  But what will it really be?!?!?